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Donington 2003
March 8th — 9th

I attended the Club Lotus Show at Donington again this year, held on 8th & 9th March, 2003. Armed with a digital camera as last year. I attended on Sunday 9th, arriving at around 9.30 am with the doors opening at 10 am to the Exhibition Hall. As last year, the place to be was the 'Lotus Only' free car park. Most Esprit models could be found with most owners willing to chat. Unlike last year there seem to be less Loti' with plenty of space for everyone. Not sure if this means attendance was down or not, but from the carpark that seemed to be the case. I only saw one Lotus (an Esprit) on the way and one again on the way back (another Esprit). So it's seem that maybe March isn't as good a date for the event as May last year.

Take the official Lotus Esprit World Tour of Donington 2003, let me show you around, might make you want to come next year, or maybe the tour's that good you'll stay at home and log-on (yeah right!). Ready? then follow me around Esprit Heaven at Donington.

The Car Park 'Lotus Only'
The free 'Lotus Only' car park right outside the Exhibition Centre was the place to be,
every Lotus model you can think of, well almost, don't remember seeing the cycle anywhere!

Lotus Esprit World takes it's usual place in the Lotus carpark. My SE was the meeting point for the UK Yahoo! List members gathering at 12 pm. Couldn't really miss me as this year, as the screen poster doubled in size and there were checklist, cards and receipts under the windscreen wiper.


Not as good a turnout as last year, but as I've said before, it's probably down to the time of year. Esprit owners are know to enjoy warmer, drier weather. There was still a great Esprit turnout, possibly beating the amount of Elises! You could spot most models and there were plenty of foreign plated Esprit from across the water.


This picture was taken around 3 pm. The carpark was really starting to empty, I left shortly afterwards, as it seems did most others. I'd spent most of the day talking to possible advertisers for the site. Hopefully I'll be able to secure a few discounts for Lotus Esprit World user. Luckily I was sent a few pics of a full carpark by users of the site.

I did manage to take plenty of inside the Exhibition Centre. A lot better quality than last year, as I turned the flash. Wish I'd done that last year.

Continue the Tour inside the Exhibition Centre

**warning, large page with long downloading time**


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